The Promises in "I DO": A 31 Day Marriage Devotional (Hardcover)
There are promises when you respond by saying, “I Do.” If you choose to write your own vows or you repeat the standard, “I promise to” statements at the prompting of your Pastor, there are promises in your response of, “I Do.”
As a marriage coach, I have seen many couples forget about the promises they recite to the Lord, in front of family and friends. Over the years, the stresses of day-to-day unresolved conflicts eat away at the love and respect they have for one another. Forgetting the promises in “I Do.” My assessment is this; the single point of failure, communication. This book will serve as a reminder to you both that there are promises in, “I Do” and it will help you to start the conversation.
As you begin with these 31 Promises, glean through the scriptures, and find other promises to hold onto in the journey towards oneness. Take your time; it’s not a race, it’s a marathon, and you’re destined to win as long as you stay in the race.